Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Welcome to my world

I can't even explain to you how amazing the feeling is to even have the chance to perform on stage in front of so many people! God has blessed me with so many opportunities and He continues to do so every day. When I was a kid I never dreamed I would have come this far and have performed my passion for so many people in so many places! To me, the most rewarding feeling is to make my audiences forget about all of their worries and problems. To capture their attention and introduce them to a world where anything is possible. Where there are no limitations. Where they can relax and be amazed, where they can experience the wonders that only take place in dreams. To take them away from reality and to inspire them to make their dreams come true just as I have. I have discovered that If I can successfully do this then I can bring laughter, happiness and amazement. It is a feeling that I hope to share with the whole world. Even though I do not claim to have or possess any magic powers my purpose never fails. To bring entertainment to people of all ages, backgrounds, races, lifestyles and religions. The shows are not about me, they are about YOU. I have been so so blessed and God has made my dreams come true. He can do the same exact thing for you. All you have to do is BELIEVE and anything is possible :)