Monday, January 17, 2011

Esther Ahn Kim

Dear friends, Last night I found myself sitting in awe of what I had read in a chapter of a book called "Forgotten God" by Francis Chan. I was in awe of a lady that I read about who is a TRUE example of a Christian. A lady who devoted her entire life to the purpose of Jesus Christ. I have taken the story of Esther Ahn Kim from "Forgotten God" and placed it below this paragraph. Please read this story with an open heart and then pray to ask God to give you the personal courage to stand up for Him every day and carry out the purpose that He has given your life :)

"Esther Ahn Kim’s biography is among the most powerful testimonies I have ever read. It was during WWII, and the Japanese occupation of Korea, that Esther’s journey of faith really began. She refused to bow down at the shrines set up in every corner of her country and was eventually imprisoned for six years, from 1939 until 1945.

Knowing she was destined for prison for refusing to bow to idols, Esther spent time training herself both physically and spiritually. Each day she would find and eat food that was decaying, knowing that was what she would be served in prison. The discipline she demonstrated is humbling; how many of us would choose to eat rotten foods?

While preparing for prison, she memorized more than one hundred chapters of the Bible and many hymns because she knew she would not be allowed to keep her Bible. She spent countless hours seeking God through fasting and prayer. These times when she read the Scriptures led to greater clarity, and she was able to surrender her fear of being tortured.

Reading her story left me wanting more. More intimacy with Christ. More love for people. More of God in my life. And to be honest, more discipline. She was a well-disciplined believer, but there was nothing self-righteous about her. Her obedience to Christ only increased her ability to hear the voice of the Spirit, and consequently filled her with overwhelming love for the people she came in contact with.

When she eventually was taken to prison, God used her in countless way. One night a young Chinese woman convicted of killing her husband was brought in. She moaned incessantly and beat on the doors until the guards tied her hands behind her back. It was this woman that God called Esther to love and reach out to. Esther held the woman’s feet at night to warm them, even though the woman was covered in her own excrement. Though food rations were small, Esther gave up her portions for three days to this woman.

Over time, the Chinese woman began to respond, carrying on conversation and eventually accepting the good news of the gospel. The woman was later executed for her crime, but she went to her death alive in Christ.

This is one of many people God used Esther to minister to. Murderers and swindlers who were utter outcasts were changed before all who watched as the love of Christ, through Esther, healed their hearts and gave them hope. Even the jailers and government officials noticed how Esther shone in that dark place. She could have just endured her suffering like a good Christian, and we would have applauded her for it. But she was not content to merely endure. She was ready every day and every moment, asking God, “Who do You want me to love for You today?”"

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Here's a few words of wisdom that I think will help you in your dating relationships:

"Learn to balance your affections toward other people because many times they will let you down. That's why forgiveness is so important in a relationship. If you make your number 1 priority a DEEP PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS CHRIST then your loving, lasting relationships with people will simply be a by-product of the relationship that you have built with Christ. This is the SECRET to true intimacy and building relationships that last."