Monday, May 30, 2011

Weird by Craig Groeschel

Ever since last summer I have been entranced by Christian books.
I tell everyone about my latest book finds, favorite authors & I think its safe to say that I have probably quoted more authors than I can count.

However, I wasn't always huge on reading. In fact, I used to never want to read.

It wasn't until I went on tour with Illusionist Drew Worsham last June & was given a book called "Crazy Love" by a pastor in Georgia.
He told me I "HAD" to read it.

Of course, I had no idea that when I finished that book I was going to be hooked on the incredible power of Christian authors for the rest of my life.
Not power as in some magical spell but more like a whole new way to understand Christianity & how to live a better, more fulfilled life.

So, its not too surprising to say that by now I have gathered a small library of great Christian books, whether it be on my bookshelf in my room or stored in my Ipad. (By the way, If you have an Ipad & you haven't downloaded the Ibooks, Nook or Kindle app, I HIGHLY recommend you do so)

The reason that I am telling you all of this is because tonight I literally stopped in the middle of the current book that I am reading because I felt so inspired to share this incredible novel with all of you. The book that I am speaking of is called "Weird" by Craig Groeschel.

I can honestly tell you with certainty that I have never highlighted in any book more than I have in this one. It's blowing my mind!

With that said, I think EVERYONE needs to read this book without a doubt. It's such an amazing resource for all areas of your life.
It has opened my eyes to so many things & I can barely put it down.
The best part is that its perfect for parents, teens, or anyone really!
It will rock your world & change the way that you live your life.

Even if you aren't a Christian, this book will still help you improve your life. Seriously, it is a great investment & very worth your time.

And check this out!
If you have an Iphone or Ipad you can actually get a FREE sample on Ibooks.
However, if you dont have either one of those then have no fear!
Just head to Barnes & Noble tomorrow or the next day and get this book!

OR, you can simply click this link & order it online for only eleven bucks!

My hope is that you will get just as hooked as I am & that you will truly experience how amazing the Bible & Christian books are.
They can truly change your life.

- Carter

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Thank you

I'm so unworthy, yet still You love me.
I continue to fail time and time again in the presence of You.
Yet still, You bless me with more than I could ever imagine.
You are God of everything. You are Creator of everything
and through You - everything flows.

I am nothing compared to You.
I am merely an ant in the image of all creation.
Yet You still know me and love me and care for me more than I can ever fathom.

No matter how many times I stumble, Your grace continues to lift me back to my feet.
You are always there watching over me.
You were there when I thought that I was alone.
You were there when absolutely no one else was.
You were there since before I was born.
You were there before anyone was born.

You are eternity.

Thank you for making me who I am.
Thank you for blessing me with all that I have.
I could never repay You for what You have done for me.

You have given me life, a purpose, inspiration, encouragement, power & strength to press forward. You are the Alpha & Omega. Beginning and the End. You are my only source of life. I am at Your command forever and always yet You still allow me to be free. You still allow me to make my own decisions even when I make the decisions that hurt You. Then You still are right there to comfort me and to lift me back up again.

You are the sole Provider of everything that I have owned and will ever own on this earth. You have blessed me with it all.

You are the Father of all fathers. You care for me unlike any other.
You watch over me and nothing can compete with You.
If You are for me then who could ever stop me?
No one.

No one could ever stop You and yet You do not need pride to show that.
You require no boasting. You are humble in every sense.
You even sent your only son to DIE on the cross for our sins.
How could Someone so great make such a sacrifice that could never be re-payed.

Your grace and mercy is everlasting and unimaginable.

You continue to define the true meaning of love again and again.
You are always there for me.
You are Love.

Thank you God for everything.

- Carter