Sunday, July 5, 2015

My Last Blog Post

Tonight I asked myself a simple question... 

"If this were the last post I ever made, what would I say?"

Here's the real answer..

Don't waste your life. 

1.) Spend every moment of it seeking to love people, especially those around you. You never ever know when they might not be there.

2.) Don't spend your life posting pictures to social media sites to show others how amazing your life is. Instead, let the most beautiful moments in your life happen without a camera. Just enjoy them, take them in, and remember them forever. 

3.) Avoid burning bridges at all costs. Spend time with people from all walks of life. People that are similar to you, smarter than you, prettier than you, scarier than you, and make totally random friends. Build bridges everywhere you go.

4.) Always look for a chance to help those around you, and total strangers. You have no idea how much joy this brings to the people you help, and to you :)

5.) Find joy in EVERYTHING. In the good and the bad. And focus on that joy. Hold tight to it! Let it fuel you forward.

6.) Money and Recognition are fun. But being care-free about both is even more enjoyable. Find you own ways to achieve this. Don't ever let these rule your life.

7.) Live every single day as one big adventure!! Go exploring, try new things, do good to those around you, make the world more epic!

8.) Always remember that IF YOU PUT GOD FIRST, YOU CAN DO ANYTHING.

9.) Don't take yourself so seriously. Learn to laugh at yourself. There's so much happiness that can come from this.

10.) Treat yourself to things once in a while. Do things you enjoy, and find ways to utilize your passions and talents. 

11.) Stay humble. Consider others as more important than yourself.

12.) Focus on the present. Look forward to the future. Leave the past where it belongs. 

13.) The most important relationship you can ever have is with God. He loves you, created you and wants to know you. There is no mistake you can make in life that will cause His love for you to fade.

14.) Remember that you were made in God's image, for His glory. 
