Monday, May 30, 2011

Weird by Craig Groeschel

Ever since last summer I have been entranced by Christian books.
I tell everyone about my latest book finds, favorite authors & I think its safe to say that I have probably quoted more authors than I can count.

However, I wasn't always huge on reading. In fact, I used to never want to read.

It wasn't until I went on tour with Illusionist Drew Worsham last June & was given a book called "Crazy Love" by a pastor in Georgia.
He told me I "HAD" to read it.

Of course, I had no idea that when I finished that book I was going to be hooked on the incredible power of Christian authors for the rest of my life.
Not power as in some magical spell but more like a whole new way to understand Christianity & how to live a better, more fulfilled life.

So, its not too surprising to say that by now I have gathered a small library of great Christian books, whether it be on my bookshelf in my room or stored in my Ipad. (By the way, If you have an Ipad & you haven't downloaded the Ibooks, Nook or Kindle app, I HIGHLY recommend you do so)

The reason that I am telling you all of this is because tonight I literally stopped in the middle of the current book that I am reading because I felt so inspired to share this incredible novel with all of you. The book that I am speaking of is called "Weird" by Craig Groeschel.

I can honestly tell you with certainty that I have never highlighted in any book more than I have in this one. It's blowing my mind!

With that said, I think EVERYONE needs to read this book without a doubt. It's such an amazing resource for all areas of your life.
It has opened my eyes to so many things & I can barely put it down.
The best part is that its perfect for parents, teens, or anyone really!
It will rock your world & change the way that you live your life.

Even if you aren't a Christian, this book will still help you improve your life. Seriously, it is a great investment & very worth your time.

And check this out!
If you have an Iphone or Ipad you can actually get a FREE sample on Ibooks.
However, if you dont have either one of those then have no fear!
Just head to Barnes & Noble tomorrow or the next day and get this book!

OR, you can simply click this link & order it online for only eleven bucks!

My hope is that you will get just as hooked as I am & that you will truly experience how amazing the Bible & Christian books are.
They can truly change your life.

- Carter