Monday, April 6, 2015

Cloudy Vision

You can achieve MORE than you think you can achieve. 

You can become MORE than you think you can become. 

The secret involves your vision. 

Often times our vision is clouded by our sinful desires and the influence of this world, whether we realize it or not. So to achieve success and to carry out what God has planned for us, we have to get our vision right every day. 

We have to clean the windshield. 

We have to put the contacts in.

The BEST way to do this is by spending time alone with God every day. Getting in a quiet place, clearing your thoughts, praying to God, and filling your mind with the wisdom found in the Bible.

By doing this consistently EVERY DAY (even if its just for a few minutes) our vision is lifted. And instead of focusing on whats in front of us, our vision will be shifted up to God. 


You see, we are never going to be able to predict what will happen each day. We will never be able to see the whole picture from our little place on this earth. 

SO, STOP TRYING... and instead, leave whats in front of you, to God. Look up to Him instead. Let Him guide you. Let Him prepare you. Let Him lead you. And Trust Him. Because heres a secret... He can see the bigger picture.  

So get clear vision. 

Spend time alone with the God that is giving you the breathe you are breathing right now. 

Spend time alone with the God who gave you eyes to read these words.

Because He has so much planned for you to achieve

And He loves you more than you know. 

Look to Him.
